So Below Oil Painting

So Below Oil Painting. Oil colour painting on canvas measuring 76cm x 105cm (40” x 30”).
So Below is the counterpart painting to As Above.
Where as As Above depicted the development of the soul in spirit So Below represents the development of the soul while in the physical human form. The ideal path of learning is once again represented by the spiral created with the Fibonacci ratio. The background colours were chosen to represent the seven subtle bodies. Red The etheric Body, Orange The Emotional Body, Yellow The Mental Body, Green/Lime The Astral Body, Pale Blue The Etheric Template Body, Indigo The Celestial Body, Purple The Ketheric Template or Causal Body.
As the soul energy descends from the spirit realm it joins with the new born physical body. The joining process is represented by the egg and sperm connecting with structural forms, such as a cross section of B-DNA, the Golden Triangle, and Flower of Life. All this is representing our birth and soul connection.
As we grow through life we experience many many things, I have however only represented growth, learning and development, and the coming together of the male and female for creation of new birth as these perhaps represent our main purpose of existence.
As we continue our life we approach the time for returning to our spiritual home, I have represented this with the white rose for purity, the red rose for eternal love and the white dove to guide us into and out of the light realms.
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