Angels Ascending Oil Painting
Here I have painted an oil colour picture using the idea of an angel ascending into the light. The colours I chose were a mix of warm yellows and oranges to give a sense of joy and homecoming. I used whites for the angels clothing, angels wings and the bird taking flight to symbolise purity or perfection. The angel looking towards the heavens and the bird taking flight represent ascension. I then used green to create balance, harmony and grounding around the image.

Here is an extract from the bible:
John 1: 51 He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.
When I painted this picture my aim was to represent all of us as angels ascending into the spiritual realm. I truly believe that our physical existence is but one phase in our soul development and when our bodies are done our spirit ascends or transcends from the physical into a spiritual existence. At this specific point in time we may experience loved ones and or our guides descending to greet us in our journey.
Although we may think of this as a sad time, I suspect and believe we will experience it as a joyful homecoming.