Issue 6: Pete On Art
Creative Discoveries In Art And Spirit
I hope you enjoy this issue, if you have any comments or questions please feel free to add them at the bottom. Welcome and enjoy!
1.0 My Story: In the beginning!
2.0 W.I.P. Eternal Existence: As Above

1.0 My Story: In The Beginning: Success and Failure at 7 Yrs Old!
When I started school at about 5 years old and throughout my school days until leaving at 17 I did not really find any subjects that interested me, that is with the exception of Art. In the infant school I remember almost nothing with the exception of listening to music and one single event when we were tasked with a drawing challenge. I remember copying the outline of a map of the British isles. I remember not only enjoying the drawing process but also having been praised for the result. The drawing was subsequently hung on the wall for all to see. It was in my small head at that time success, something I was proud off. Thinking back to the activity today I believe I probably entered the zone and experienced the sense of oneness.
So Far so good. But where is the failure I hear you say.
After the summer holidays, on returning to school and moving up to the first year of the juniors (7 to 11 Year Old) on that very first day my world was about to come crashing down. Well that is how it felt to me at the time. At the end of the day as I was leaving school I was passing the large waste bins overflowing with rubbish and there hanging out the top was my masterpiece, what was just a few weeks ago hailed as a piece of art had been chucked, relegated to the bins, it was rubbish and I guess unknowingly at the time I took this label on board myself, "I was rubbish at drawing"
I can remember feeling devestated.
What is worse, I continued through all my years of schooling especially in the art class in the senior school believing I was rubbish at drawing.
Luckily for me, at the age of 15 I stumbled across a subject I could paint and draw and this carried me through the art exams. But all was not as it should have been.
Make sure you are a member of The Creative Discoveries Hub to get the next stage in my roller coaster artist to be story. Simply add your email to the email box below.

2.0 Eternal Existence: As Above - The Development of The Soul.
Considers ideas representing laws of nature as laws of creation and the biblical statement that “god created man in his own image (or likeness)” as a more eternal structural form. This should be considered with the addition of the life force energy and the spiritual light within all creation both physical and spiritual (Non-Physical).
Only so much can be considered in the creation of one painting, I will be creating further artworks aligned with the idea of Eternal Existence in the coming weeks and months.