Issue 14 Pete On Art - A New Year Begins

1. Welcome Back
2. In The Studio
3. Beyond The Brain
4. Unlocking The True Value of Art
1.0 Title Welcome Back
Welcome back after the Christmas and New Year holidays, as I write this January is fast coming to a close. I have been working on a few paintings and sorting out my plans and objectives for 2025. As usual I am already behind and catching up on the planned tasks for January. I am always over optimistic on how long a task will take and how much I may get done. Just one of my failings.
My themed art for the John Musgrave Heritage Trail is now released and available on my web site as are a small selection of fine art prints. My next release of artwork is planned for the beginning of April and will be aligned to the theme “Eternal Existence” a second selection of artwork which I am currently working on, aligned to the same theme is planned for a summer release. In addition I will be showing work at various local exhibitions throughout 2025 the first planned in February.
Further details regarding this theme and the artworks completed so far can be found on the above website within the Newsletters and under the collections tab for Eternal Existence. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.
I hope you are all keeping well and thank you for your continued interest and support. If there is anything you would like me to cover regarding my art, art appreciation and collecting, or art in general please let me know and I will either respond to you directly and or include the topic in future Newsletters. Thank You!
2.0 Title: In The Studio
In the studio this month I have been working on three main paintings plus two abstract pieces completed at the Devon Art Society over two weeks One of which is shown at the top of this page.
The three main paintings are part of the Eternal Existence theme and I have painted five paintings in total of varying sizes. A small panel A3 (The Eternal Wave), two large 30”x40” (76x105cm) canvas paintings, (Fractal Pathways and Dream World – Be Free!), and two medium size paintings on canvas measuring (60x45cm), (Fractal Pathways and Eternal Wave). All the paintings are shown below.
In an effort to keep up to date with admin and content I have added pages discussing the artwork I have so far completed within the theme “Eternal Existence” you can link to each page here:

3.0 Title: Beyond The Brain
Yesterday I sat down to meditate and receive anything that may be pertinent and or helpful to myself and others. Following a meditation these are the inspired thoughts that I wrote. I hope they are helpful.
“When I was young my parents allowed me to live in a protective bubble, many aspects of life and challenges they were facing did not enter my awareness due to the protection my parents gave to me. Today in our modern age the opposite is true, with modern technology and the reporting of world events we are bombarded with the troubles of the world. When we combine that with our own personal and local challenges our minds and bodies are swamped with troubles.
With this in mind we have to find ways of coping with this onslaught of negative information as well as find ways to shield our children from it all. Many of us have naturally become insensitive to event that occur because we have seen it all before many times, we know or believe there is little we can do to help or make a difference, or we ourselves just cannot cope if we let these situations effect us and begin to run our lives.
We can of course protect ourselves further if we wish by cutting ourselves off, by not watching the daily news or watching TV programs that depict real life drama. We can and perhaps should limit how much and how many of these programs our children watch. We can attempt to create a hard nosed mental barrier by only consuming and considering things we can do something about, or perhaps things that are more local and that may effect ourselves and the society near to us.
If we do this we may feel we are ignoring world events and being heartless and uncaring, however it does not have to mean that we do not care and will not take more positive forms of action when and where we can. It just means we are controlling the level of content we are being subjected to and its eventual impact on our health and wellbeing.
To maintain our health and wellbeing and that of our children we need to strike a balance between what we allow into our environment and our lives and what we leave out, we do of course need to do what we can to bring peace, joy and harmony to the world and beyond and we cannot achieve that in a totally closed bubble.
In an airline emergency we are told to put our oxygen masks on first before helping others next to us. This is perhaps also relevant to the topics considered above, if we are not ourselves healthy and well, living in peace and harmony how can we begin to help others do the same?
4.0 Title – Unlocking The True Value of Art
Art is more than a beautiful painting or a thought-provoking sculpture—it’s a universal language that connects people, inspires change, and enriches lives. From its power to evoke deep emotions and tell stories, to its role in preserving cultural identity and driving economic development, art touches every facet of human experience.
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